Saturday, October 6, 2012

Update # 2

I'm sorry that I have not kept the blog up or posted anything else because of the seriousness of the issue at hand.  While I was listening to the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and one of the speakers had commented on a person's struggle of suicide, I was reminded of this blog and re-affirmed myself on this issue and having an awareness be made known. One of the things I had done was go to and in the search that put in the search at the upper right hand corner of the page was "suicide" and the first thing that came up was the National Suicide Prevention Hotline link. Try it out and see.  If you have other links that I can use please add them up or email me please at: .

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Update # 1

While I was going through the topics that were posted in my class and that my research paper is being directed elsewhere, I will continue along this path and ask for everyone's input and help so that I can hopefully have a paper published into the Signpost or another paper, or better into an academic journal.  This is only a hope, but I fell that this topic of Suicide Awareness and Prevention merits our time awareness to dispel the archaic views of depression was a weakness and not to be discussed.  So I press forward with this subject and ask for everyone's help.

Friday, August 31, 2012


There is an ongoing awareness of suicide awareness and prevention, but having been through the dark and dismal corridors of depression and the precipice of suicide myself.  Since I was a Soldier in the United States Army, I had that support from my unit and have been a grateful benefactor of this.  Then walking through the halls of the Weber State University campus, I have not seen any posters on any major commons areas within the campus.  So with this blog, I will be focusing the end term essay hopefully to be published within the Signpost.  However the subject maybe shifted form the desired subject during Friday's class.